How to test post-purchase offers?

Unlike other types of offers, the post-purchase offer is displayed after the checkout page, which makes testing post-purchase different from other offer types.

We have found two ways to test, and you may choose one that fits you the best.

Option 1

This option works best if your site does not have a lot of traffic because you will need to pause regular payment during testing. You will use Shopify payment test mode to verify the post-purchase offer for this option. This video demonstrates how to enable the Shopify payment test mode. You will not be charged any transaction fee, but your customers will not be able to place real orders while in test mode.

Option 2

Create a cheap test product for testing. Please include this test product as the trigger product of your post-purchase order.


  • Post-purchase requires the order value to be greater than zero, so you can’t test post-purchase by creating a discount with 100% off.
  • Supported payment processors